Wo in the villa - pool
Wann From June to September
Preis €60 / gäste
Treffpunkt in the villa
Dauer 25 mins

Diese Erfahrung steht ausschließlich den Gästen von Scent Of Sicily zur Verfügung. Durchsuchen Sie alle Villen in unserem Katalog, in denen diese Erfahrung verfügbar ist.


In a luxurious ambiance, the art of Shiatsu massage blends with poolside relaxation, thanks to on-demand services provided directly in exclusive villas by industry professionals. Skilled massage therapists create a unique experience, combining the soothing techniques of Shiatsu with the healing element of water. Immersed in private residences, guests indulge in personalized massages by the pool, where the sound of water accompanies the rejuvenation of body and mind. This fusion of well-being and luxury transforms each villa into a haven of tranquility, offering an unforgettable sensory experience under the serene sky.

A pleasant moment dedicated to the relaxation of body and soul, watsu massage: immersed in the pool of the villa of your choice, you can try the innovative relaxation techniques … in contact with water.

A beautiful occasion in which the body tends to let itself go, it feels without constraints, light, open, in a playful movement.
